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Author: Robin, Vicki
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Class: 363.8097
Age: Adult
Language: English
LC: HD9007.W
Print Run: 75000
ISBN-13: 9780670025725
LCCN: 2013018397
Imprint: Viking
Pub Date: 01/07/2014
Availability: Out of Print Confirmed
List: $26.95
Physical Description: xiii, 334 p. : map ; 22 cm. H 8.5", W 5.8", D 1.13", 1.0375 lbs.
LC Series:
Brodart Sources: Brodart's Insight Catalog: Adult
Brodart's TOP Adult Titles
Starred Reviews:
TIPS Subjects: Agriculture
Social Life and Customs
Sustainable Living
Pacific Region--U. S.
BISAC Subjects: HEALTH & FITNESS / Healthy Living & Personal Hygiene
COOKING / Essays & Narratives
HEALTH & FITNESS / Diet & Nutrition / Nutrition
LC Subjects: Community-supported agriculture, Washington (State), Whidbey Island
Local foods, Washington (State), Whidbey Island
Self-reliant living, Washington (State), Whidbey Island
Whidbey Island (Wash.), Social conditions
SEARS Subjects: Alternative lifestyles, Whidbey Island (Wash.)
Cooperative agriculture, Whidbey Island (Wash.)
Food, Whidbey Island (Wash.)
Whidbey Island (Wash.), Social conditions
Reading Programs:
Brodart's TOP Adult Titles | 10/01/2013
Could ten miles really change your life? Discover how a dedication to 100% sustainable eating can lead to lasting relationships with those in your community as you learn how consuming only foods located within ten miles of your home can change your life with a guide that also includes recipes. 352pp., 75K, Auth res: Whidbey Island, WA, Tour
Journal Reviews
BookPage | 02/01/2014
Vicki Robin transformed our relationship with money in her bestseller Your Money or Your Life, and now she's set to do likewise regarding our relationship with food. Don't be misled into thinking her new book belongs in the religion section, though, because Blessing the Hands That Feed Us is all about food systems: how they work, how they don't and how they can be healed. The subtitle is more descriptive: What Eating Closer to Home Can Teach Us About Food, Community, and Our Place on Earth. Call it what you may--"locavorism," food justice, agricultural literacy or the phrase Robin seems to have coined, "relational eating"--the movements to eat locally, sustainably, and to know where food comes from are all gaining ground. Much of the book chronicles Robin's personal challenge: For a month, she limited herself to food she was able to source from within a 10-mile radius of her home. Her struggles and story grow naturally into a "global manifesto" that urges us all to reshape our lives and the health of our planet. 352pg. BOOKPAGE, c2014.
Kirkus Reviews | 11/15/2013
One woman's experiment to eat only local foods. While grazing at a potluck table loaded with food, Robin (co-author: Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence, 2008) decided to take up a local farmer's challenge to eat only the food she could provide herself. But after some more consideration, the author realized that might be too limited, so the plan expanded to include any food produced within a 10-mile radius. She planned to live on that and a few "exotics"--tea, salt, spices, oil, lemons and limes--for a month and see what happened. What unfolds in Robin's homey, conversational prose was far more significant than she ever expected. She sought to lose a few pounds, get healthier, make new friends, grow closer to nature, and gain a better understanding of the amount of physical, emotional and environmental energy required to produce food. The author encourages readers to explore their own relationships with food; examine how it was prepared and eaten during their childhoods; find what local sources of food exist in their neighborhoods; learn to cook from scratch for healthier and less expensive food; and figure out how to continue this new way of eating for far longer than just a month. Throughout the book, Robin includes helpful information on how to set up "Transition Towns...a citizen-led approach to bulking up community resilience, a tool for people who wake up to the power communities have to respond proactively as global resources, finance, and climate change prove ever more unstable." Recipes from Robin's local growers round out this call-to-action plan to buy local and live healthier and more responsibly. An entertaining and informative memoir/self-help guide to living well on locally grown food. 352pg. KIRKUS MEDIA LLC, c2013.
Library Journal | 12/01/2013
Part memoir, part guidebook, and part cookbook, this title provides some insight into the eating habits of Americans. Robin (coauthor, Your Money or Your Life) takes readers along with her on her month-long journey of eating hyperlocally, a term she defines for herself as only consuming food that was raised or grown in a 10-mile radius of her home on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound, WA. Writing candidly and humorously, Robin expertly describes the community of farmers and makers who are involved in providing for the dinner table, breaking down the business of food and showing readers the relationships that can be forged and salvaged through eating locally. VERDICT This locavore read puts its money where its mouth is. Robin deftly combines strong storytelling with recipes, and those interested in eating locally themselves will find concrete steps they can take. Cassidy Charles, Morristown & Morris Twp. Joint Free P.L., NJ. 352p. LIBRARY JOURNAL, c2013.
Library Journal Prepub Alert | 07/15/2013
Robin, a leader in the sustainable living movement whose Your Money or Your Life has sold more than 840,000 copies in a dozen languages, explains how she took up a friend's challenge to eat only food sourced within a ten-mile radius of her home on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound. Your takeaway: an understanding of what all that prepackaged food brought from hundred or thousands of miles away does to you and to the environment. 352p. LJ Prepub Alert Online Review. LIBRARY JOURNAL, c2013.
Publishers Weekly | 10/28/2013
In September 2010 veteran sustainability activist Robin (co-author of Your Money or Your Life) consumed only food from her neighbor's small market garden or made within a 10-mile radius of her home on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound, Wash to see if she could survive solely on locally produced food. She recounts how confronting her food beliefs and habits was the "last bastion" in her quest to live frugally and with integrity. The challenge drew her back into the world, calmed her own tendencies to overeat, and taught her the real meaning of community. Despite the restrictions of a 10-Mile Diet and costly government regulations that cripple small famers, Robin presents the ultimate freedom of self-sufficiency attractively, attributing a wide range of benefits to what she calls "relational eating"--from losing weight and ensuring good health, to forming lasting friendships and helping those in need. Readers may smile when hyper-frugal Robin decides that paying $5 a pound for locally raised chicken is well worth the money, and breathe a sigh of relief when she realizes that "local" is as much a state of mind as a geographical location. This is an idealistic yet practical effort, offering tips for creating sustainable communities and recipes from Whidbey chefs utilizing the island's bounty. Agent: Beth Vesel, Beth Vesel Literary Agency. (Jan.). 352p. Web-Exclusive Review. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, c2013.